Nurturing my smelly baby
February 17, 2019
Mommy’s Diaper Dungeon Pt 3
March 7, 2019
“Well, how am I supposed to Adult diaper you like this?” She looks at you and sighs. “Well, I DID say we make EVERY choice for you, didn’t I? Even this one is … um … out of your hands, so to speak.” She grabs your penis – which she is now calling your little girlie clit – and begins to rub it. Up and down, running the whole of your shaft. The whole time she talks baby talk to you, and much as you don’t want to, you respond to it. Soon you are even making little whimpering sounds and moans. “That’s it little baby. We gotta get all those nasty spermies out of you so you can be a sweet little Adult baby. Come on now, that’s right. Give in – cum for cousin Jenna!” Soon – sooner than you would like anybody to know – you cry out, letting a long stream of hot cum spray unabated. Jenna just smiles knowingly as she lifts your diaper to catch it all. And then she smiles even bigger as she pulls that diaper up over you – now it will fit – and tapes it tightly. When she sees you are ready to object, she puts a finger to your lips. “Oh, come on – you think I never do that in my diapers? I KNOW how good it feels. You gonna lie and say you don’t like it?” She tickles the front of your diaper, and even though you JUST were spent, you feel your member stir to life again. “Gonna tell me you don’t want to do that again?” she asked. You shake your head, blushing. “That’s what I thought,” she said. So, you just keep wetting those diapers – and maybe more – to prove you need them, and we can keep on playing that way. Long as you’re a good baby!” Call me for some Abdl Sex Talk!
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