Want To Be Watched By A Kinky Babysitter?
February 17, 2019
Just Like Jenna Part 2
March 5, 2019
My baby has a doctor’s appointment today. You see, he is a big boy and needs to be checked regularly to make sure that he is healthy and happy. He is large, but he still needs to be put in a diaper. Normally, I only have to bathe him in warm water and bubbles, dry him off with a fluffy towel, sprinkle powder on his private areas to keep him dry and run diaper cream on him to keep him fresh. But, today he is fussy, and he is making many messes in his diaper. The doctor says that I need to change his diet. I made sure to move him to a diet of solids with plenty of fruits and vegetables, and I can definitely smell a difference. His poop is in high quantity and extremely smelly. But, I may have made the move too soon. The doctor suggests that I return back to a diet largely comprised of breast milk and liquids to make sure that his bowel movements are regular. I want a good healthy boy, I just hate his teeth dig into my nipples when I breastfeed him. Oh, what is a mommy to do in such circumstance? Call Mommy Tammy to find out.
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#breastfeeding #adultbaby #adultdiaperlover